Why is it Important to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle? स्वस्थ जीवनशैली के टिप्स

sribha patra
6 min readApr 16, 2021

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle- https://bit.ly/2REHxO5

Importance of a healthy lifestyle

It is said that health is our real wealth. If you are healthy & fit, you can do whatever you want. If your health is not good, then you will not feel like doing anything. To be successful in life, a good healthy lifestyle has to be maintained, because a healthy lifestyle gives you positive vibes that you can achieve anything in your life. Many of us do not know that our health is indirectly connected with our minds. If our mind thinks, speaks, and listens well, then it also affects our health. If we think well then our mind gets relaxed, which will also keep our health good.

We are living in a toxic world today. What we wear, eat, speak and even the air we breathe are all creating imbalances in our body on a daily basis. How efficiently our bodies can remove these toxins is directly linked to our health, energy, mood, sleeping habits, and vibrancy to life. When the body is overloaded and overtaken with toxins, the natural balance is disrupted and disease begins. In today’s time, everyone must live a healthy life. Because our environment and food have got so much destroyed day by day that we really need to pay attention to our health.

Improved energy levels and better sleep habits. By feeding the body the best super-food nutrition, cleansing at a cellular level, and combating the effects of stress on our bodies, this system has changed our life. That is why it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Many of us know good food and exercise make us healthy, but how many of them apply it in their daily life to stay healthy and fit?

The answer is — very less

A healthy lifestyle means to live a life stress-free and disease-free.

How is it possible?

When we change our habits of having food, activities (exercise, yoga, meditation), and thinking then only we can bring a healthy life. Our life depends mostly upon these3 things to be a healthy life, if it’s good then it’s healthy, or bad it’s unhealthy.

The fact of today’s world,

Everyone likes to live a good life, but exercising and eating good nutritious food is not liked by people as innutritious foods are tastier than nutritious food.

How to start living a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle= Diet+ Exercise+ Mental peace( thinking/ meditation)

These 3 lifestyle required to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Also read: 5 Secrets to a Healthy Life | Healthy Life Secrets | 5 Keys to Healthy Life Style |

Diet for a healthy body

High Protein Vegetables What’s That?

Vegetables high protein is best to include dark green vegetables. A green leafy plant that is the source of plant protein that is big enough, these plants usually contain a very dense protein. They also give you a lot of other nutrients that can improve your health. Such plants are also a source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are complete, which is useful to support your diet program, improve the immune system and also prevent the disease.

Here are some examples of vegetables that have high protein content, such as spinach, broccoli, lettuce, and other green vegetable mixture.

It is important to remind that you should eat a variety of vegetables, plus other sources of protein foods in your diet every day. The reason is that plant food contains protein that is not perfect, which means they do not contain all the essential amino acids. Well, if you eat different foods, you will get the essential amino acids and your body can build blocks of protein to supplement your body needs.

Also read: 3 Simple Habits that Can Improve Good Night’s Sleep | Cure Insomnia |

You already know that high protein vegetables can be a good way to increase the intake of protein in your diet every day. It is important to include vegetables as healthy foods into your diet habits. Consumption of vegetables every time you eat. Enter your fresh fruits and vegetables into the breakfast menu, lunch, dinner, and use foods high in these nutrients as a snack.

Eat healthy foods

You can eat healthy foods like high protein foods like eggs, nuts, fish, and grains. High protein foods are known to make a quick belly full. So by taking it you will reduce the consumption of other foods but still get the nutrients are high.

Eat fiber foods

Fibrous food is very important to maintain a healthy digestive system. These foods are also believed to lose weight when consumed sufficiently every day.

But, you know that many types of foods contain fiber? Here are a few of them

Uncooked carrots, lettuce, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and asparagus are cooked.

– Tomatoes and vegetables that are juiced.

– Peanuts and various leguminous pods.

– Grain.

– Bananas, apples, pears, berries, and dried fruit.

– Rice grains, wheat, brown rice, popcorn, and oatmeal.

Drink lots of water

Drinking water can satiate your stomach, as well as be useful to clean up your internal organs with your stomach full. So the desire to eat food or other less healthy beverages can be minimized.

Also read: Home-Made Immunity Booster Drink |Immunity Drink |


Exercise is one of the best ways known to keep you young and smart. There are a lot of types of physical exercises. This could either be doing some oxygen-consuming activities, games or working out utilizing some wellness gear.

It is necessary to do yoga and exercise every day. It is also important to do activities daily in our busy schedule, which keeps our body fit and healthy.

Do not have time to exercise

Exercise at your desk. There are so many sports movements you can do on the sidelines of working time, one with yoga, skipping rope, or carrying useful to stretch the back muscles become relaxed. Spend a minimum of five minutes for stretching on the sidelines of your busy life.

Here are a few health benefits of exercise and yoga that have been examined by experts:

– Enhance mood and improve sleep quality.

– The ability to manage stress is better.

– Lowering heart rate and blood pressure and improving lung function.

– Muscles are more relaxed and healthier.

– Helps in preventing mental problems like depression and anxiety.

– Flexibility and body strength are better and the overall body appears more fit.

– It has a positive effect on our mind & body.

We do a lot of daily work to stay healthy, such as dieting, exercise, and avoid unhealthily. But that’s not enough to be fully healthy, that’s why we need to add one more thing that is mental health. The mental piece is very important to be mentally fit, but it is possible by meditation, thinking well and regular early morning yoga.

Mental peace

Just as our body needs good food as that mind needs to think well. When we think, speak well then our mind won’t cultivate any waste thought, which only can possible by meditation.

Also read: 7 Tips to Make your Mind Healthy | How to Stable your Mental Health|Healthy Mind and Healthy Body |

So think positive and be positive

Checklist for healthy lifestyles


A healthy lifestyle is possible by both physical and mental health. Everyone should maintain a healthy lifestyle to bring happiness to their life as health is wealth.



sribha patra

This website based on health, lifestyle, pregnancy, baby care